Thursday, May 6, 2010

Youth Development Strategies

 Community Development Initiative.

The state of a certained society, feeling no doubts, been confident, helpful, absolute encouragements and provision of special opportunities for a disadvantage group to make or become different in Culture, Economic, Social, and Spiritual, in their fields of endeavors is the quest of every well-meaning persons living in their respective

Community yearns to see and feel.

Fostering Growth and Sustainable Development can be thought of, as responsible development that meets today’s needs without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet the needs of tomorrow. Central to the idea of Sustainable Development is that, the urgent survival needs for the worlds poor should be the first priority , while keeping in mind that there are limitations, if future environmental consequences that need to be balanced in order to adequately plan for sustainable development, we first need to see the world as a system which connects both space and time.

Initiating a project to create Positive Change in my Environment thereby fostering Sustainable Development in my community has always been my topmost priority as an aspiring Social Entrepreneur and a Community Organizer, been a Social Entrepreneur needs that one possess the requisite innovations, and passion to provide solutions to society’s most pressing problems by persistently tacking major social issues and offering new ideas for wide scale change, rather than leaving societal needs to the government or business sectors.

Fostering Positive and Sustainable Development needs practical addressing of social problems by changing the system, spreading the solutions and persuading the entire societies to take new leap.
The high sense of Volunteerism is my hallmark, which I consider a very cardinal tool for me to be a mass recruiter of my peers local change makers, and also set standards by living an exemplary life, so as to become a role model, providing that citizens who channel their passions into action can do almost anything.

However, positive change and sustainable development cannot be realized without relative Peace,
The greatest threat that the human race has ever faced still remains to live in a world free of the threat of violence. Violence is not restricted to the times of war. It exists everywhere, in homes, schools and communities, where there is injustice there is conflict.

Conflict is generally classified in terms of both violent and non-violent conflict. violent conflict is generally associated with the use of force as a means to an end, while non-violent conflict usually involves peaceful negotiations between conflicting groups in order to work towards a compatible goal or resolution, over time non-violent conflicts can erupt into direct force if a reasonable compromise is not reached, this is a menace bedeviling my community among my contemporaries.

 This I wish to address by collaborating with opinion leaders and all stakeholders to set up a Youth-friendly-Service center (Career Resource Center) stocked with all the necessary tools where youth would be trained in productive entrepreneurial skills so as to unearth their hidden talent, and also enhance their capacity through the culture of reading, research and opportunity search from the resources available. This in effect will curb unemployment and harsh economic predicaments facing the youth and the entire community.

Much of the violence in my society stems from an oppressive social system of power that reinforces differences between conflicting groups and allows one group to have power or privilege over another group. I will also work directly with other grass root communities to counter conflict with preventive strategies through massive Educational campaigns as well as support services for those recovering from violence. This I believe would be responsible, thus creating an enabling environment in promotion of the culture of Peace, Justice, Good Governance and resolve differences without resorting to conflict.

Furthermore, I believe that moral decadence has contributed to our societal problems, and the only way to come out of this canker is by upholding tight our cultural values by adhering to our traditional customs and norms which encompasses Intellectual, Spiritual, Literature, lifestyle and moral values, which is undoubtedly a unifying force.

 To this end I would establish Dancing and Musical troupe in my community, mobilize the youth to perform regularly at the community ceremonies, to promote our dance, music, fashion, to the outside world and also bring us some income to sustain our livelihood, this will also change our social behavior thus saving us from Cultural imperialism which have a negative influence on us. Sustainable living will protect resources and help us live and enjoy life for the future generation.

Summarily, positive environment goes hand-in-hand with human rights and economic justice, a culture of peace and sustainable development cannot be built without an understanding of how deeply all of these issues are interwoven.

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